
114- Explorer or Invader?

Last year I started on a series based on explorers or invaders depending on your point of view.

I wanted to do something that I had not seen before, so I created concert posters for their exploratory campaigns aka 'tours'. 

Here is a list of the 'tours':

Leif Erikson- I Was First Tour- 981-995

Marco Polo- Silk Road Tour- 1271-1295

Columbus- New World Tour- 1492

Ponce de Leon- Fountain of Youth Tour- 1513

Magellan w/ Elcano- The Circumnavigation Tour- 1519-1522

Cortez- The conquistador Tour- 1519-1521

de Coronado- 7 Cities of Gold Tour- 1540-1542

Sir Francis Drake- British Circumnavigation Tour- 1577-1580

Sir Walter Raleigh- The Lost Colony Tour- 1587

Captain Cook- Kiwi- Koala Tour 1770

Roald Amundsen- The 7th Continent Tour- 1910-1912

Apollo 11- Intergaltic Sea of Tranquility Tour 1969

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