

Many moons ago in the time of Myspace, I blogged about the Hangover star ratings.
There were 6.

Well today I learned of the HANGOVER COOKBOOK by Milton Crawford, and they base remedies on P.G. Wodehouse's six types of hangovers, which first appeared in his book Jeeves and Wooster The Mating Season. Depending on the type of hangover you have, depends on the remedy.

Each hangover has its own characteristics:

The Broken Compass is punctuated by "a lack of direction and certainty."
Those suffering from the Sewing Machine repeatedly feel stabbing pains to the brain.
The Comet makes one feel disconnected from the body, akin to floating in space.
Atomic sufferers? Well, something has gone nuclear between their ears.
Cement Mixers are "queasy and uneasy," and those in the throes of the Gremlin Boogie are "destroyed, utterly destroyed."

I think this will be a must read for the upcoming Mimi birthday season that is upon us.