
Rummage Haus @ Stella Haus

From owner and curator Dayna de Hoyas

Rummage Haus @ Stella Haus
Homage to Harrell Fletcher
by the Chingaderos de Marfa

I just loved Harrell Fletcher's community project idea soooo much that I'm copying it! I asked permission of course. Stop by for an experience that will make you wish you were a part of. Wait a minute, you can become a part of.

First Thursday April 2nd 6-9pm
First Friday April 3rd 6-9pm
King William Fair day April 25th 10-6 pm.

People participating in the project:
Andrew Watson, Lisa Longoria, Marcy Mcchesney, Lili Pena Dyer, Julia Landois, Sky Patterson, Jason Willome, David Alcantar, Myriam Lanau, The Swede, Nina Hasselle, Frank Leal, Dayna DeHoyos, Allison Beshur, Sarah Fisch, Beto Gonzales, Allegra Castro, Troy Wise, Matthew Ahern

If you would like to see how Harrell Fletcher did it originally http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vaGFycmVsbGZsZXRjaGVyLmNvbS8= click on projects then "Here Gallery" 2nd image attached to email is of Harrell Fletcher's original project.


Julie said...

very cool- I love your "occupation" in your profile

cabana boy productions said...

I am the Grand Corrupter after all :P