A back-burner series is moving to the front burner. I am having an exhibition in St Petersburg, FL on Sat 4.9. Details to come closer to the show.
I have decided to finally manifest Bermuda Triangulated: The Weather Today series. If this sounds familiar, it should. It's from Chuck Palahniuk's DIARY.
When I read the book in 2007, the quotes that started with 'the weather today...' caught my eye. I jotted them down as I tend to do w/ quotes that catch my eye when I read.
I am creating 15- 11x14 'illuminated manuscript' drawings in the vein of my MIYLology series http://cabanaboyproductions.blogspot.com/2009/09/on-august-19-2004-while-at-iah.html , each piece will have a quote.
Here are the quotes and the order in which I plan to display them. The capitalized letter in each quote will be an initial letter on the page. I love that I have 15 quotes and that The Weather Today is 15 letters ::wink::
T …is nervous disgust with Tentative
H …is Heat and scratchy and it hurts
E …is partly suspicious with a chancE of betrayal
W …is bitter With occasional fits of jealous rage
E …is partly soused
with occasional bursts of dEspair
and irritation
A …is calm and sunny
but the Air is full of bullshit
T …is increasing Turmoil with a possible physical
emotional breakdown
H …is frantic,
panicked, and sligHtly rushed
E …is foggy with widEly conflicting stories
R …is getting really
really pissy Right about now
T …is an increasing Trend toward denial
O …is partly furious with Occasional
fits of rage
D …is calm, reserved,
and Defeated
A …is
partly Angry leading to resignation
and ultimatums
Y …is slightlY maudlin